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    Any recommendations? DIY design or off the shelf?

    Never used one before but quite like the idea using old food waste, tortoise bedding, wood burner ash etc.

    Thanks in advance
    • CommentAuthorGarethC
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015 edited
    I had a "hot bin" and it was great. Insulated and often reached 60 degrees. Compost in no time, and could take a wider variety of stuff. Only problem was providing enough stuff to keep it going!
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015
    <blockquote><cite>Posted By: Victorianeco</cite>Any recommendations? DIY design or off the shelf?

    Never used one before but quite like the idea using old food waste, tortoise bedding, wood burner ash etc.

    Thanks in advance</blockquote>

    Make sure its rat proof if putting kitchen waste in it. With kitchen waste thats qute wet you might need to add some straw or shredded cardboard to stop it all packing down into a smelly slimy mess!
    • CommentAuthorrhamdu
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015
    As I think I have said in another thread, you need at least two compost bins or your compost will never be finished.
    • CommentAuthorMikel
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015
    • CommentAuthorPaul_B
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015
    Posted By: MikelWe have two Green Johannas.

    http://www.cornwall.getcomposting.com/Shop/HomePage/GRNJO330iSUB_Green_Johanna_330_litre_Compost_Bin.html" rel="nofollow " >http://www.cornwall.getcomposting.com/Shop/HomePage/GRNJO330iSUB_Green_Johanna_330_litre_Compost_Bin.html

    Can't go wrong at this price!

    Wow that is a great price, I think mine was closer to £80 than £20. The Green Johanna make hot composting pretty easy, hot composting turns waste into compost in about 3 months, whereas cold composting takes more like a year. I even tried mine with meat carcass which is normally a no-no, dealt with it in no time. Base stops vermin getting in and insulation keeps the temperature up in the winter, pretty easy to keep temp above 50 degrees (I monitored it with highest reading of 65 degrees). Put in green material once a week and a layer of cardboard, two days after a new load use an aerating stick to aerate and the temp will stay nice and high
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeOct 21st 2015
    You can sometimes get discounts through your council.
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2015
    Posted By: gravelldYou can sometimes get discounts through your council.

    My council site says they partner with http://www.getcomposting.com/ Note that the link above seems to be for Cornwall special offers.
    • CommentAuthorgravelld
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2015
    Yeah, I got a wormery at a good price via Islington council (when I lived there), couldn't quite believe the "full" price though.
    I was thinking of putting my compost bin in the poly tunnel. Not sure if it is a good idea. Higher temperature but would it get too high ?

    • CommentAuthorPaul_B
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2015
    Posted By: HalcyonRichardI was thinking of putting my compost bin in the poly tunnel. Not sure if it is a good idea. Higher temperature but would it get too high ?


    What is the average day time temperature of the polytunnel? It will probably be fine apart from the very hottest days in summer and then you could just leave the top off and if necessary add a bit of water to stop it overheating
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