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    How much building waste goes to landfil each year and how much could be re-used/recycled?

    Where I live the council will not allow 'vans' to use their amenity tip unless by prior arrangement. Even if you were to do so there is still the legal requirement to be a licenced waste carrier.

    Is it time for governmant to provide monitored facilities where builders could pay a nominal fee to take some of their waste? This could be limited to easilly recyclable/re-useable materials.

    Re-usable items such as timber sections and bricks could even be sold back to other builders.

    Is this a feasible idea?
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2007
    May not be of much help with small builders but upcoming Site Waste Management Plans will require a much more coordinated means of dealing with construction waste.

    See http://www.netregs.gov.uk/netregs/legislation/380525/1555007/

    Most skip companies do a degree of recycling as it reduces their landfill costs - trouble is its all a bit piecemeal and not very coordinated.
    I find what to do with waste on site is a particularly tricky problem. I like to have somewhere I can store anything that is left over or reclaimed and looks useful but this is not always possible. It is also difficult to get some tradesmen to separate materials at source rather than just shoveling them all into a huge heap.

    I guess skip companies do recycle some of what they collect but I can't see how they can do anything much with the mixed waste in skips which comes off the sites that I am involved with. I prefer to use a guy who collects waste in a truck. He keeps materials separate because is costs less to tip them at the waste transfer facility, presumably because they can more easily be reused that way.

    Waste disposal is one area where the use of a large estate car rather than a van comes into its own...
    Posted By: Chris WardleWaste disposal is one area where the use of a large estate car rather than a van comes into its own...

    Yes, but the missus doesn't half bitch about the mess:bigsmile:
    A blessing of timber contructed walls (internal particians with no insulation) is it is fall of internal empty space, so if you want some extra cheap thermal mass just place old bricks or plasterboard off cuts in space between the studs!
    I have just come accross the new problem with dumping plasterboard. Apparently the nearest facility to Cardiff is Bristol.

    How green is it to transport tons and tons of the newly termed 'toxic' stuff 50 odd miles? Been quoted £65+ per tonne and that's just the tipping cost!
    • CommentAuthorjoconnor
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    Why are you trying to dump plasterboard.

    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I thought we were making tofu out of it
    • CommentAuthorMike George
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007 edited
    John, the roof slopes it is attached to are being removed and replaced with Dormers. No choice but to dump it.
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2007
    I've cleared the odd big site from time to time. I once cleared one at Grimwith Resovoir in the Yorkshire dales, and the main contractor was wanting rid of a small village full of timber huts, potracabins, plant and over ordered materials.

    someone could do really well by setting up a freecycle or not free project which unites builders with surplus materials. I keep stuff for years because it is valuable, but of no value because i will never turn it into money, meanwhile some builder will
    be scouring the merchants for something I am hoarding but will never use.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007
    Thanks Ted, that's very useful.
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2007
    My brother-in-law is a project manager with a civil engineering company, he tells me that sometimes they have to destroy Portakabins and similar structures as it's often the only way to clear the site at the end of a job.
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2007
    Surely green building is about using materials and methods that create no waste. Why should anything go to landfill?
    Yes, that is what I am trying to avoid anyway
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