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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorjuliahm
    • CommentTimeJun 6th 2007
    This may be a rather wacky idea, but we were gazing longingly into the skip outside our local planning office, which is being refurbished. It was full of odd bricks, tiles, and window frames, all heading for landfill. If all the planners' offices in Britain were compelled to deliver their samples to a central depot, then community projects and self-builders could reclaim all these materials. Would this result in 'junk architecture' or in a creative and free build?

    Just a thought to share!
    It's not just Planners' offices, but architects & other specifiers too, although I do gather it's a lot harder to get (for example window) samples than it used to be. Our Architects dept office used to clog up with them. Slightly embarrassing incident once when, after aeons, the rep did return for his sample, and it had to be removed from its installation in a colleague's garage wall!

    Good idea though. Probably something like Freecycle is a good vehicle. I think the limitation with a lot of potential recycling is the 'admin' involved in getting the materials someone doesn't want to the person who does want them. I understand a lot of potential wood recycling schemes have fallen at the first hurdle because they have not been economically viable in the long term.
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