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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorCJT
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2023
    Afternoon, Anyone got any tips on how to deal with building control re the new connectivity regs ? The phone exchange in our village is 3/4 of a mile away and doesn't have high speed fibre as yet with no indication as to when it will have. Our new build is 1/4 plus of a mile away from the nearest public road. The regs say i need 2 quotes to install it, open reach are uncontactable and even if they answer cannot quote for something they presently cannot provide ! Building control are playing it by the book insisting on the quotes ! I have copper 250 metres away so unless anyone has a suggestion i am going to put a duct to there and hope they accept that. Cheers.
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2023
    Presumably you mean https://www.gov.uk/guidance/new-build-connectivity-information-for-developers et seq?

    What do you mean by "I have copper 250 metres away"?

    Are you sure you need to provide the infrastructure? The openreach site https://www.openreach.com/building-developers-and-projects/fibre-for-developers/registering-your-site#accordion-4d9690a380-item-595c486177-panel refers to a start date of 26 Dec 2026. What does their checker say about availability?
    • CommentAuthorCJT
    • CommentTimeJul 3rd 2023
    Posted By: djhWhat do you mean by "I have copper 250 metres away"?

    I have a copper phone line 250 metres away. Open reach cannot commit to a date when it will be available so i am going to propose the duct to the existing phone line and hope they accept that.It was my intention to provide broadband via a router and Sim.
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