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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthortrevor
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2008
    Hi all,
    I am having my wood workshop taken down and a brick one built, with a wooden roof, I have bought a Pot belly wood burning stove, only a small one as the workshop will be 15 feet x 8 feet, I am only wood turning as a hobby, but sell my turnings then give some money to a local hospice.
    With having a wood roof, would you advise me to insulate the roof above the stove, and if so what would you recomend, as the building is so small, I dont see the need to get the stove to its full power, approx 4kw out-put, the base os the building will be a concrete base.

    Cheers all the best trevor. (cheshire uk)
    Why not insulate everything well as a matter of course?
    • CommentAuthorTheDoctor
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2008
    of course

    i doubt you will find anyone here advocating the heating of an un-insulated building.

    localised insulation in the ceiling will make no difference whatsoever.
    heat finds the path of least resistance, and you are leaving it a fair amount of choice!

    why are you putting up a brick one?
    to keep the heat in, a well insulated timber frame and timber clad affair will warm up far quicker when you nip out there for a spot of still February morning wood-turning when it's 5 below..!?

    good on you for the hospice donations. I am dying to get back into wood-turning after a brief spell at school.
    I have planning for a garden room cum workshop cum store etc, and that is the next project.
    this will be well insulated with a pot-belly too.
    Trevor, suggest you insulate the walls and roof. I have just built a garage (24x18) with a cavity wall and pitch roof. We have insulated the ceiling (storage room above) with 170 mm rockwool and under drawn with 1/4 ply. A cheap 5 kw barrel stove of 5 kw capacity keeps the whole place at tee shirt temperature with the ground icy outside. The best bit is that any projects that need heat to help them cure (gluing wood) stay warm all night once the fire is banked down. The concrete floor acts as a thermal store once it is warm.
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