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    In Excel, dates are counted from the 1st January 1900, which is nearly 45000 days ago now.

    The formula in cell M13 is looking at cell A13 which is zero, then it subtracts A12 (a recent date) from that zero, so ends up with about -45000.

    Instead of (A13-A12), you could try MAX((A13-A12),0) which will return 0 instead of any negative number.

    There's several ways to do this, all good whichever you like.
    • CommentAuthorbarge17
    • CommentTimeDec 23rd 2022

    "the cell youre talking about is selected and the formula in that cell is displayed at the top of the page-" yes, sorry, will do in future.

    Meantime, I have tried =MAX((A13-A12),0) and that is returing Zero. So I shall copy that across the row and see how it looks this afternnon. (assuming the weather here in Lancs is still going to be utterly crap!)

    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2022
    I run my spreadsheet so the latest data is at the top.

    Each month, select top (last) row of data by click on row number to select whole row, the right click on row number and *copy*. Then right click on row number again and select *Insert copied cells*.

    It inserts the copied row above the existing row. Keeps all the formulas intact and all I do then is enter the date and the readings.

    Because I use named ranges, the charts automatically update.
    • CommentAuthorbarge17
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2022 edited
    I have just tried that in "Sheets" and I think it works the same as EXEL, as has everything else i have used, the lower formulas have been automatically altered to suit the different line numbers.

    So I think I am going to need to re - enter my data and formulas line by line in a blank part of the spreadsheet, then I shall have the convenience of seeing my latest data without having to scroll for it.
    • CommentAuthorLF
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2022
    For charts if you edit x axis, you can not display the future dates by adjusting the max value. Only half read about issue, this morning so may not be useful. Glad you have achieved so much
    • CommentAuthorbarge17
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2022 edited
    "For charts if you edit x axis, you can not display the future dates by adjusting the max value. Only half read about issue, this morning so may not be useful. Glad you have achieved so much"

    well, as we probably all know, once you start fiddling with a thing, the more you do of it, the slicker you become, and less worried about the consequences. I'll see how it affects a simple chart, but future dates are not an issue for me, just ones with completed data.
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2022
    Posted By: LFFor charts if you edit x axis, you can not display the future dates by adjusting the max value. Only half read about issue, this morning so may not be useful. Glad you have achieved so much
    Or used named ranges that adjust with the added data.

    Search on "excel named range chart offset"
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