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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

PLEASE NOTE: A download link for Volume 1 will be sent to you by email and Volume 2 will be sent to you by post as a book.

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    • CommentAuthorRedDoor
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2013
    Just come across this.


    It says please read the background document carefully before filling in the questionnaire. It's 51 pages long and we've only got until 01Oct13
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2013
    The questionnaire needs to be filled in on-line in one single session. This means that the respondent cannot save incomplete questionnaires. We strongly recommend first saving the questionnaire text as a pdf file, in order to examine the questions and elaborate the replies before starting an on-line session. To do so, the respondent needs to click "Download PDF version" (upper-right corner of the screen). Please note that you will only have 90 minutes to fill in the questionnaire and that if you have not been able to fill it all in and save it within this time frame, the session will automatically expire and the replies will be lost. This is why it is so important to prepare the answers in advance, before starting to work on-line.

    They really try to make it easy to answer to get as much input from the valued citizens as possible, don't they?

    I wonder how much adding the single session, the time limit and the PDF printing facility added to the cost of this? :devil:
    • CommentAuthorTriassic
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2013
    Posted By: djhPlease note that you will only have 90 minutes to fill in the questionnaire
    So if you are disabled and unable to type quickly - don't bother!!
    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeSep 24th 2013
    Its called going through the motions of having to do something you really don't want to do. This is the problem with Brussels, they know everything better than the rest of us so why consult.

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