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    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2007
    My wife and I recently stayed in a large Erlund House, and we were very impressed with the look and feel of the building. So much so that we are planning to sell our late-18thC stone cottage in Wales, much extended but now that the children have gone/are going, it's not the right home for us.

    I have trawled the Internet looking, largely without success,for other people who live, or have lived in one, to give their views on them. Though it seems to be an expensive kit, as is their assembly service, the insulation standard is superb, and low running costs are important now we are getting on. Can anyone assist?
    Sorry to crash your thread, but could you explain what an Erlund House is?

    If it's winkling you out of a late-18thC stone cottage in Wales it must be good!
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2007
    Erlund is a Finnish manufacturer of wooden houses www.erlund-house.com/

    Here are 3 images I took for myself:




    I've lived here since 1981, but now it's time to move on before I get too old. The wife is in poor health, the nearest hospitals are 30 miles distant, and the public transport limited.
    • CommentAuthorRob
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2007
    Try having a look at www.honka.com, another Finnish log home manufacturer for whom we are an agent. If interested, I can put you in touch with people in the UK who live in Honka houses and will be able to give you their opinion. Honka are the market leader and manufacture between 3000 and 4000 houses per year. They were also the first manufacturer in the world to be able to CE mark their buildings.
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2007
    I have had a look at the website, and asked for a mailed reply.
    • CommentAuthorKeithH
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2007
    Hi Bluemoon

    I have been considering a Erlund house for some time, probably since I saw the Cadney house on Grand Designs.

    At the time the insulation standard was superb and really sold it to me being cellulose fibre. How do you feel that level of insulation fairs now? If you stayed in the house perhaps you felt all was fine, on paper at least fair!

    The Skaala Finish windows, double sash with intrnal venetian blinds are also superb, U-value about 1.0 W/m2K.

    My other concern is spruce cladding. I prefer to use a more durable extrnal cladding, with no harmful preservatives or time consuming penalties. All these are points important to me, so likely I will look elsewhere, I do like the company,buildings and the constuction method though so a little disapointted.

    Good Luck
    Keith H
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2007
    The spruce external cladding could be substituted with larch, but the polar pine projections are still exposed. The roof overhangs the walls by about a metre which would keep the walls dry most of the time. So far I am trying to find a plot where the planners will accept a building with other than a brick or render finish.

    I want a house which looks like a wooden house. Some Finnish houses are lined with sheet material either inside or out.

    It's difficult to find exact figures for the performance of the various build methods, the Erlund method of internal insulation versus the thick solid or laminated logs without any extra insulation. They are both said to be suitable for the Finnish winter temps down to -20C. I'd like to know how many litres of heating oil it would take to maintain a given comfort level in the UK.
    • CommentAuthorJoatex
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2007
    Does relative humidity come into the picture? I assume that the RH in Finland is -generally- lower than Wales.
    • CommentAuthorNanuls
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2007
    Posted By: BluemoonErlund is a Finnish manufacturer of wooden houses www.erlund-house.com/

    Here are 3 images I took for myself:

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/fromthelake.jpg" rel="nofollow" >http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/fromthelake.jpg

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/bedroom1.jpg" rel="nofollow" >http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/bedroom1.jpg

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/frombalcony.jpg" rel="nofollow" >http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v378/Pontrhydfendigaid/frombalcony.jpg

    I've lived here since 1981, but now it's time to move on before I get too old. The wife is in poor health, the nearest hospitals are 30 miles distant, and the public transport limited.

    First of all I'm sorry about resurecting such an old thread.

    Is this house, as the links might suggest, in Pontrhydfendigaid, Ceredigion?
    I live in Ceredigion and have an interest in this kind of building, how does it stand up to our wet climate? how often does the wood need treating?

    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2007
    The actual house is near Cirencester, Glos. Pontrhydfendigaid is my username on Photobucket, I chose it because I like using long Welsh names! Why not revive old threads, I often do it myself! The RH issue is something I have thought about as well, Finland according to a weather page has lower rainfall than Wales. I am researching durability in timber houses, but the overhang on the roof will keep the walls dry. Protecting the exterior has to be done every 5 years or so, there is a wide range of colours available. I want to take a trip to Finland next year to experience the loghouse life first-hand.
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeOct 2nd 2007
    Another source of wooden houses in red cedar.


    How much it would cost the bring to Wales is a moot point, but they do sell the logs to build your own. It seems to be a durable timber, and not too expensive. Houses over there seem to be cheap for the size.
    • CommentAuthorNanuls
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2007
    Thanks, I don't suppose you know how it was dealt with by planners? Timber buildings don't really fit in with the venacular here, and the council don't have any specific policies on them. They have policies on log cabins, which are only allowed to be used as holiday cottages, and no distinction is made between them and buildings such as Erlund houses.

    Does anyone else know of any planning authorities that have specific policies on timber houses?
    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2007
    Due to the drive for efficient, sustainable housing, I think the planners are becoming more amenable to different building methods. It's true that unusual appearance can rule against loghouses, so I'll be looking for sites off-road such as backland, as long as I am not overlooked. I don't need a kerbside amenity, being stared at by passers-by as I leave and enter.
    I lived in a Norwegian timber home for 12 years. It was lovely, so I can imagine why you want to live in an Erlund House. BUT... maybe you should get a wider view of eco-homes before you start paying out dosh. Take a look at the homes here http://naturalhomes.org/homesmap.htm

    • CommentAuthorBluemoon
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2007
    It is true that the Erlund house we stayed in is used as a holiday home, but the owner of the park lives in an older loghouse there, all through the year. His partner told me that she wouldn't want to live in any other type of building.
    None are visible from the road, and I am in favour of doing the same. I want a house to live in, not as a status symbol to impress the neighbours, and the passers-by in their noisy internal-combustion engined vehicles.
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