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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017 edited
    How long should a wheelbarrow last?


    sorry I can no longer upload images only links to them even then not very well:(
    • CommentAuthorgoodevans
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    That a link to a file on your C: drive not the internet
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Sorry, here they are


    Happy if someone adds as a proper link
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Just like a builder, keep using stuff well after it is useless :wink:
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    But are they 1 week old or more than that?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Just passed their second birthday,
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2017
    Posted By: tonyHow long should a wheelbarrow last?

    I guess that depends on how old it is...

    My new one has lasted 24 years, but it is a bit F.U. these days

    (like my camera, otherwise I would U/L a photo of it) :shocked:

    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2017
    One of my most useful barrows doesn't even have a bucket on it, it's just the frame. The number of blocks it can carry is phenomenal
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2017
    Got an old retro caravan to be ebay'd, needs pulling out from where it is, sound chassis but the A-frame is completely rotten, so tow hitch and jockey wheel u/s. Gonna tie a barrow chassis under the front to keep it from nose-diving as soon as we start winching!
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2017 edited
    Posted By: fostertomGot an old retro caravan to be ebay'd
    Devon Pikey :bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2017
    Urrrr - that looks funny but I don't understand ....
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2017
    I think our colleague is inferring that you are some sort of west-country gypsy, Tom ?

    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2017
    Oh I geddit - true, true.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJun 3rd 2017

    A real old friend of mine, I inherited him when I bought a decrepit house, have done new spokes and two new tyres, I have owned him for 35 years but think that he is nearly seventy now. Still works well as a garden barrow.
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2017
    wow, Tony, I could do with barrowing that off you for a week-end :bigsmile:

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2017
    Dream on I am hoping to get it to 100 years old
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2017
    If it does not last, you could have it melted down (at Barrow In Furnace)


    ive a 20 year old belle mixer that people claimed had had it 10 years ago
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