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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorcasero
    • CommentTimeSep 2nd 2021
    Thanks to a ludicrous overestimate by the supplier, I have 18 x 25kg bags of this finishing render left over. Free to anyone who can make use of them. The date on the bags is 26/2/21. They've been stored indoors since delivery. I only finished plastering a couple of weeks ago and there were no problems with the bags I used so these should be good. They're in Liverpool.

    I also have a half sheet of aerogel board (120cm by 105cm) and approx 180 Timco M8 x 90mm plastic insulation fixings left over. Again, free to anyone who can make use of them
    Hi, I probably know someone who would be able to make use of them, but I'm off teaching for the next 4 days. I'll send off an e-mail or two. Thanks, Nick.
    • CommentAuthorcasero
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2021
    Hi Nick. I guess that there was no interest in the plaster, which is a shame. Thanks anyway.

    Yes, I did try, but no go, I am afraid. Sorry! I do hope you manage to find someone to take it. I have (more or less) given up contracting, so I don't have a use for it.

    *Ah, just had a thought! Outside chance, but e-mail sent off.

    ** And another thought! 2 mails sent off.
    • CommentAuthorcasero
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2021
    Hi Nick
    Thanks again for your efforts. Unfortunately I've had no response either here or on Freegle or Gumtree so it's now been dumped as I need the space.
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