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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorsallyh
    • CommentTimeJul 29th 2007 edited
    Rounded Developments Enterprises is a not-for-profit company based in Cardiff that is dedicated to developing Sustainable Building in Wales.

    They are a small organisation at present, but have big ideas and want to develop the capacity of the organisation to deliver them. They are looking to widen the set of skills and experiences within the board. There are currently six members on the board but we wish to increase this to about 10 in due course. Our structure is very flexible and dynamic and this enables us to respond quickly to demands and provide flexible delivery.

    They have a number of very promising projects in the pipeline inc. the development of an Innovation Park in Cardiff (in partnership with BRE and a local charity) and are a partner in developing new unfired cementitious bricks and blocks with the University of Glamorgan. They also provide goods and services in support of sustainable building (we run a small shop and provide consultation services) from our Sustainable Building Centre in Splott, Cardiff.

    They are looking for committed people with the skills, vision and enthusiasm to make sustainable building happen for all; from the DIYer to the mainstream builder. We are especially interested in people from: construction trades and professions; training and education; finance; research; and social enterprises.

    If you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming involved they would appreciate a call. If you yourself cannot provide time maybe you have networks that can be contacted in order to spread this request to a wider audience.

    Please visit their website in order to gain a bit more information about RDE and what it is doing. http://www.rounded-developments.org.uk
    Tel 029 2040 3399
    Strangely, I came across this discussion while looking for directions the the sustainable building centre that I've now failed to find TWICE. Certainly looks very interesting, I'll send a email - let me know if you don't get it!
    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2007
    Where are you going to send an e-mail to 'mybarn'? Do you have a real name by the way?
    • CommentAuthorsuecar
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2007
    Thanks we had a good response to the request for board members. This thread can close now.
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