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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2022 edited
    Just starting to look at https://www.zebra-model.org from my old skool
    • CommentTimeOct 12th 2022
    When they say "built in excel" does that mean Excel is required to run it, or will LibreOffice work? They claim "It requires no specialist knowledge or software" but if it requires Excel then I would have to buy both it and Windows to run Zebra :cry:

    Also, when I go to the download area and press the download button, it says "403 Forbidden", " dTqvm7Ev/1syH0fHo @ Wed, 12 Oct 2022 19:39:11 GMT BRICK-6". So the whole thing is pretty useless so far. Any idea why?

    Edit (later): OK so I downloaded it (the error means Javascript is not enabled, expressed in rudeness). It doesn't seem to work very well. A choice of 4 weather locations, the closest being 36 km away, instead of the nearest which is maybe 6 miles. Some cells only seem to accept numbers instead of e.g. =10*(13+9) (rough wall area). The whole thing is poorly laid out, and none of the graphs seem to work. (Maybe that's an Excel-ness?)

    So it seems like it might require an actual copy of Excel. In which case, who has funded this and why isn't it .ods Even the documentation is supplied as .docx :devil:
    It's encouraging that it includes both embodied and operational carbon.

    The 'official' calculation method, SAP, doesn't calculate embodied carbon because that is not yet covered by regulations. But one reason why embodied carbon is not yet regulated is because there isn't a single agreed calculation method - so chicken/egg.

    I tried it on a paid-for copy of Excel on Android and couldn't make it work. TBF it's aimed at businesses who will be using desktop workstations.
    • CommentAuthorMike1
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2022
    I can confirm that it doesn't seem compatible with LibreOffice, which is unfortunate, as the aims & objectives, the apparent 'accuracy' - and that fact that it is free - are all commendable.

    As a test I made a couple of changes, saved it, opened it in Excel (2013, don't have a recent version) and got the following:

    Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table3.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table4.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table5.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table6.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table7.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table8.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table9.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table10.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table11.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table12.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table13.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table14.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table15.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table16.xml part (Table)
    Repaired Records: Table from /xl/tables/table17.xml part (Table)

    Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content.
    • CommentAuthorLF
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2022 edited
    Looked at it is purely as a spreadsheet. Saved as .ods file from excel and looks OK in open office. Not sure how I would send anyone a copy but if you use an PC with excel you should be able to save it cleanly as blah blah .ods

    Looks a nice bit of code - no macros or complications.
    Variables are all named rather than being cell B4 E11 etc, which make them easier to check/follow.
    Inspected in excel and nothing nasty there - external links or anything hidden apart from 2 worksheets. 1 is weather data the other is a bit about how cells are named etc. (developer)
    It would be remiss of me not to mention my own practice's efforts on this front:


    Purely focussed on the embodied side (unlike Zebra), but it has been well received by the industry and there's been a lot of work behind the scenes to make it simple to use.
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