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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorSwarm
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2022
    I'm pondering if it would be viable to connect a portable Air con unit to one of the ceiling extract vents of my MVHR.

    I assume it should at least be able to cool one room for sleeping in and all hot air would just go up the vent and out through the mvhr without much issue, other than perhaps warming the incoming air slightly for the rest of the house.

    None of my windows are suitable to vent out of, thanks to internal blinds needing to be closed and windows opening inwards. Plus it would be preferable not to let in warm air!

    Is this worth considering or are there some gotchas I haven't thought of?
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2022
    Posted By: SwarmI'm pondering if it would be viable to connect a portable Air con unit to one of the ceiling extract vents of my MVHR.
    Air cons normally have a much greater airflow than an MVHR. How will your MVHR deal with excessive flow or will it provide excessive back pressure to the A/C unit? (I don't know the answers, just thinking aloud).

    I assume it should at least be able to cool one room for sleeping in and all hot air would just go up the vent and out through the mvhr without much issue, other than perhaps warming the incoming air slightly for the rest of the house.
    Depends on your MVHR. With ours it wouldn't be an issue most of the time since the summer bypass would open if the house was too hot so the house would be getting fresh night air (unless the outside was also too hot as next Monday is supposed to be).
    • CommentAuthorSwarm
    • CommentTimeJul 15th 2022
    Thanks djh, I knew there would be some factor I hadn't considered. The excessive flow could well be a problem and breaking my MVHR unit isn't really worth the risk.

    Guess I will have to think about alternative venting options.
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