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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017 edited
    Pursuant to yet another tenant complaint about mould on the windows I realise that I'm never going to get these nuisances to dry their clothes in a tumble drier, squeegee the shower walls, turn on the extractor fan and use a cooker hood religiously. Or stop breathing at night..

    So i'm thinking to just install a small MVHR in the loft of what is otherwise a reasonably airtight (no many drafts) and acceptably insulated flat. Much as I'd love to kick the tenant out for 6 months while I renovate the entire thing, re-insulate, draftproof etc I haven't the time, money or health at the mo (other build has put paid to all those)

    I'm hence looking for a relatively inexpensive part way solution to the "oh, the walls are growing black mould" complaint that isn't going to take forever to implement and isn't anything the tenant can switch off or obviate.. Any recommendations?
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017
    How easy is it to duct an MVHR system? Have you considered a PIV instead of an MVHR? A lot simpler and will probably solve the problem.
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017
    If you consider there is a way to make the tenants pay up when you get awarded legal cost (e.g. they are in employment, so can do attachment of earning order), then I think I would solve the problem with a S21…

    PIV units do work, but given how bad your current tenants are how will you stop them turning one off?
    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017 edited
    Ducting the MVHR would be easy: the flat has a loft (upstairs of a converted semi). I imagined the install to be:

    Cut 4 equal lengths of flexi duct (so they have the same resistance)
    Pull up loft wool
    Cut 4 holes in 4 rooms ceilings (roughly equal sized rooms) and poke the vents through em
    Arrange ducts in an X shape with unit in centre, make up a manifold using a length of 150mm pipe, shove the ducts into it and foam up the gaps
    Bash 2 holes in gable, plumb to unit (or use existing chimney for extract and very-breezy loft space for supply)
    Plug into loft power socket

    Activate - no need to balance, it should be self balanced at that

    Changing filters once in a while is the biggest bugbear

    PIV could work, don't think the tenants would go up and switch it off..
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017
    Posted By: cjardChanging filters once in a while is the biggest bugbear

    Ours need cleaning (washing rather than replacing) every few months, not sure exactly how often since it seems to vary a bit. The unit puts a red light on when it needs doing. It's simple enough to do and I do it since I own it, but I can imagine it being problematic with some tenants.

    Don't forget that the ducts and the MVHR unit will need insulating if they are in an unheated loft.
    • CommentAuthorringi
    • CommentTimeJan 23rd 2017
    Remember you (the landlord) will have to pay the cost of charging filters etc, and you will not get any more rent due to a MVHR system using less energy then a PIV.
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