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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007
    What angle of shading should be used for south facing windows.

    Should a window be fully shaded by slats or a canopy/ verandah at mid day from June to the end of August or what and how?
    Motorised or adjustable!

    In my experiance you need more shading at the end of summer then at the begining even though the sun angles can be the same.

    Fixed shade has to be carefully designed by allowing for the correct ration of insulation, thermal mass and size of window!

    Fixed shading definitely needs to achieve quite a lot, some seasonal adjustment I think would be needed to make best use of winter sun. You can do basic calc's with pen and paper if you know when (time of day and year) you want to have the most shading. Have you thought about deciduous planting, which is a very elegant way of providing seasonal shading, I have also often thought that movable shades could combine somehow as insulating night shutters...

    Also worth considering the effect on internal light patterns of solid shading and slatted shades, just from the point of view of the feel of the space.

    It also all depends as you know on the level of exposed thermal mass in the building as to how much summer sun you want to moderate and at what time in the day, also feeding in is the type of building ie occupancy patterns and occupier control levels.

    If a domestic situation I would imagine that it could be very useful to build in structure for variable shading, and then experiment with some ply mock ups during the first couple of seasons, otherwise the variables of building design, construction, local climate, internal light quality and varying occupant needs could all render any subtleties of shading design somewhat irrelevant.

    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007
    How about the minimum amount of shading then?
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007
    Yeah, like I think there was one day this summer when we needed shading. But I was out so I wasn't bovered.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2007
    I put an umbrella over the laptop or tv screen so I can see it on sunny days!
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