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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    I have been hired to reglaze the windows of a historic Duncan Collonial house. The first window I started with is concave, if your inside. The glass is rolled and valuable and I already broke to panes!!! I need some ideas, advice from experience. The previous glazing is not excellent work. The surface under the glass is pretty rough. I started using a heat gun as I was not having any luck removing the old glazing without. 750 degrees F is the lowest mine goes. I need to buy some replacement glass if I can and do better on the rest of the panes. Help. Thank you.
    Also, sorry, has anyone used Glaze-Ease Sealant 10.1 oz. Tube? I want to try it as it can take paint after a couple hours drying time. I have never heard anyone talk about this product so that makes me nervous.
    Use a putty lamp - not a heat gun. Holkham Paints sell them.

    What on earth is the point of using a modern material in a rush on historic glazing? Use real linseed oil puty, real linseed oil paint, take your time and don't do any more damage.

    Cylinder glass is available from Tatra Glass of Loughborough. Hand made, mouth blown, beautiful, made in Poland by the old methods.
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