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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeApr 1st 2020
    My untreated softwood soffits have darkened beautifully and tone really nicely with the cedar fascias. The soffits never get any weather and are well protected – I can see them lasting a hundred years or more. Note how there are knots in the soffits, whereas there are none in the cedar fascias or bargeboards, nicely defining the different species of wood utilised. No rot, no treatment, no problems :-

    You can read my full article with pics here http://tonyshouse.readinguk.org/category/the-house/
    • CommentAuthorgyrogear
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2020 edited
    Very nice, Tony !

    I bet you have got jealous neighbours!

    (I particularly like the "Heating The Ground" and "Interseasonal Thermal Storage" bits of your site, well done !)

    • CommentAuthorJonti
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2020

    I suppose as long as the wood is sheltered from the worst of the weather and is dry most of the time there is no reason why it would rot.

    I had a quick look through your blog again and you can be proud of the job you have done. Very impressive.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeApr 4th 2020
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2020 edited
    Indeed, very nice.

    I also wanted low maintenance but went the uPVC route. Don't like having so much plastic on the house, but after ten years, it has not discoloured but does require a bit of maintenance.

    For whatever reason, the facias on two sides of the house gradually develop algae and a bit of lychee growth. So every couple of years, I have a roofer or chimney guy come along and clamber up and wipe the uPVC with a damp cloth.

    Most annoying but certainly less expensive than repainting.

    Really like your cloaked verge tiles. Could not find any unless I imported everything from Europe and that was going to be excessive expensive so use Nu-Lok and fitted the roof myself (with assistance from my builder.)
    • CommentAuthorvord
    • CommentTimeApr 16th 2020 edited
    I like wood too. There is plenty of Victorian external wood still around. My windows are 100 year old pine (pine was slow grown back then and a nice wood). What has damaged then is use of waterproof gloss paint, but replacing a few cills has fixed that and linseed paint and proper falls should keep the windows going for more 100s of years or 30 years after the next muppet decides they are not shiny enough and does the gloss thing again and stops the water getting out.

    Low maintenance is somethig I've been aiming for too. A lot of stuff these days feels very temporary. It's almost as if it is to make a need for us to buy stuff all the time. I know it is more environmentally friendly to ship in argon filled plastic units from China every few years but I like wood because it is pretty.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2020
    Great posts chaps both of the last two

    Re sliding sash windows generally in excellent condition because a) set back into the reveal, b) surrounded by lime that sucks moisture away, c) draughty sash boxes help with this too (don’t let those draughts into the house though), d) unpainted sides of the side rails, e) unpainted underside of bottom rail traditionally, please keep this it is IMPORTANT, e) both bottom rail and sill have good falls to outside. f) good quality wood used in manufacture
    • CommentAuthorvord
    • CommentTimeApr 17th 2020
    Absolutely, Tony.

    My eyes were opened by some casement windows my cousin made for me. They were brilliantly thought out. His assumption was water wouldn't stay out for ever so provide a way for it to get out once it gets in. Well planned falls everywhere, drainage, ventilation and evaporation all over the place and all very neatly hidden. Makes a change from the cheap casement in the attic that relied on seals and now lets water in.

    Planning to make some double glazed casements for a boat which will be coated with yaught varnish which isn't vapour permeable. Big old routing slot around the double glazing with vents at the bottom, and a big routing slot between the frame and the boat venting to the bottom.
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