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    I have the plasterers in next week (sand & cement render then gypsum plaster skim) and I need to be decorating about a week after they finish. Can anyone recommend a suitable paint for the walls that will breath so that the walls can continue to dry out properly after application?
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2007
    There won't be much breathing through the cement render. What are you up to?

    Limewash, distemper, clay paint.

    Tou wouldn't want to be contributing to the destruction of the Madagascar forests by using a paint that included TiO2 pigment, would you?
    The walls are concrete block, so no breathing through them either Biff. I it unwise to use a conventional emulsion on new plaster which might not have fully dried out.

    I just want something I can buy in a tin and apply (not mix myself). Can anyone recommend a brand of eco-friendlyish paint that I could use for this job?
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2007
    The cheap 'contract' emulsion is pretty vapour permeable and is often put on fairly fresh plaster without falling off. If you want eco friendly though, you'd better use limewash, distemper, or clay paint. Rose of Jericoh are best 'brand'.

    Limewash is sooooo easy peasy mixing yourself is not an issue. Lime out of a bag + water in about equal volume, in a bucket, stir, and off you go with a big soft brush.
    Chris, I would wait until the plaster dries out to a light pink colour, this should only take a couple of days with the windows open at this time of year. To paint I would just buy cheap white matt emulsion and water it down to the point where you can just about roll it without getting it everywhere. Go over the wallls twice in quick succession - you won't use much paint and this 'mist coat' will kill the suction of the gypsum plaster. Then use your colour neat.
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2007

    But this is a Green Building Forum. Surely we should be talking about better things.
    Yes, but is limewash suitable to apply to an internal [impervious] sand and cement render? What if its in an area of high humidity?
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2007 edited
    I don't think high humidity affects limewash very much. There's a continuum between limewash, whitewash, distemper and oil emulsion, depending on how much casein, rabbit skin glue or linseed oil you care to add. They give a range of properties to suit different situations. They are all cheap, and use local materials with a low environmental impact in their production. (And not much profit for the global paint industry.)
    • CommentAuthorMartin 10
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2007
    You could use Leyland New Plaster Paint. I don't know how eco this is.
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2007
    Leyland Paints, started in Yorkshire just after the War, ended up as part of the French oil conglomerate, Total Fina Elf, but in 2003 was bought by Massachusetts based private equity firm, founded by Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts. Their contract emulsion will cover your fresh plaster OK, but I don't see that the product or it's makers have anything to do with 'Green'.

    Why do folk care about beer but not paint? Because CAMRA is easier to say than CAMRP.
    Thanks for the advice Mike. I suspect I already have half a bucket of cheap white emulsion "in stock" which wants using up.
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2007
    Posted By: Chris Wardle... "in stock" which wants using up.

    That's probably the greenest option of all.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2007
    Make sure that there is no vinyl in the paint.

    Usually trade cheap paint is best.
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