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    • CommentAuthorGHC
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012
    Hi All,
    I was wondering who has had experiences with CFSH courses / software and their verdicts. After a few queries i thought i would take a look into the training courses to see if it would be time well spent, but they all seem to vary in price and software usability.

    Thanks for the input!
    • CommentAuthorSigaldry
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012
    I was one of the early CfSH training guinea pigs at BRE Watford.

    The training course seemed pretty good to me at the time, but that was a few years back.

    I've not seen their most recent software, as I don't actually undertake CfSH assessments myself (just SAP's/EPC's - although I've worked through the energy side of things with a lot of Code Assessors).

    I've heard (from others) that the STROMA training is pretty good too. Again no idea if the software is better/cheaper...
    • CommentAuthorGHC
    • CommentTimeMar 30th 2012
    Thanks very much for the comments. Stromas software is free actually. Im looking at it today and it seems ok from the first glance. Now just the decision between stroma and the BRE. The BRE has a longer course by a day i think
    Stroma every time. Basically just a far more reasonable and helpful organization.

    Although it's heartening to hear Stroma being promoted here (as I'm booked onto one of their upcoming CfSH courses), does the BRE accreditation hold any more weight with clients (current and potential) than the Stroma accreditation?

    I was going to post a similar thread asking which would be the 'best' course to go one. I understand 'best' is vague, but the only thing I would like to discount from the comparison is the difference in cost.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    • CommentAuthorFred56
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2013
    I have been a victim of the CfSH. From my perspective the BRE is the last thing you want to lumber your clients with. For small developments BRE cost more for registration as they have a minimum charge equivalent to 10 units. They are very unhelpful and slow to respond to the assessor. Submissions take months to process. Your clients won't value a BRE brag tag when the project is stalled for months while some infantile pedant practices being deliberately obstructive.
    STROMA were very helpful to me directly even though we were lumbered with BRE.
    Fred56, thanks for your comments, much appreciated.

    Even though so far it's 2-0 to Stroma and I'm feeling more comfortable having signed up with them rather than BRE, I'd welcome anyone else's input.

    Again, thanks in advance.
    • CommentAuthorGaryB
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2013

    As a trained BREEAM Assessor, an employer of a BRE CSH Assessor and a designer who has achieved BREEAM Excellent on several projects, I and my CSH Assessor no longer have any interest in working with BRE who are unhelpful, pedantic, slow, expensive and just downright infuriating. Assessor memberships will be cancelled as soon as the last CSH project on our books is completed in a couple of weeks time.

    Stroma we use for SAP and have had no issues.
    • CommentAuthorneilu
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2013
    I re-qualified Stroma a couple of years ago but I was originally with BRE before letting my certification lapse.

    It would have to be Stroma for me, no question about it.
    They have a telephone help line where there is always someone there to take your call. With BRE you have to email your query and wait for an answer, which I think is a 5 day response time.
    That sums up BRE's by the book/red tape/self importance attitude.
    Thanks for all the comments. I'm disappointed, althouhg not surprised, to hear about BRE. But, I'm also happy that I seemed to have been lucky in my choice of course.
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