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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    Hi all

    I've finally got round to chipping off the cement render on my 1800s terraced gable end.
    When the property was renovated 15 plus years ago the internal chimney breasts were removed which at the time seemed to be a good idea.

    I'm now regretting that as now while chipping off I'm following a crack in the render which is revealing some dubious looking stonework and missing stov
    ne pieces.

    Before I go any further would it be wise to fill in the void with a cement or similar slurry type material to bind this void and outer stonework together ?

    Any other ideas would be gratefully received.

    Thank you in advance
    • CommentAuthorDavycrocket
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2023 edited
    Not the best quality picture sorry
    What is the makeup of the wall? From the picture it looks like a mix of stone and brick.

    How thick is this wall? If it is 9" does the crack go through to the other side?

    Is the rest of the gable OK as viewed from the inside (probably not rendered there) and are there any other cracks evident on the render?
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2023
    I see no cracks or worries - go ahead
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