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    • CommentAuthorblubb
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2023 edited
    Dear GBF experts,

    did anyone on the forum use the Great British Insulation Scheme?
    I am particularly keen to hear if anyone succeeded in getting an external wall insulation project (at least partially) funded under this scheme?

    I heard about it from a colleague today; it almost sounds too good to be true. My feeling is that it should be straightforward to get funding for "simple" insulation jobs like rolling out mineral wool in the loft or cavity wall insulation (as was the case with my colleague), but probably very challenging to get more expensive projects like retrofitting external wall insulation funded under this scheme.

    Looking forward to learn more about this scheme -- many thanks for sharing your experience!
    • CommentAuthorFred56
    • CommentTimeOct 13th 2023
    I had not seen that particular scheme but several others. The ones that have locally set eligibility rules are aimed at people on qualifying benefits, in homes of poor energy efficiency and have no or very limited cash assets. There was one in our area under what I think was called ECO4 Flex that was less dependent upon either benefits or cash but on the EPC and health linked vulnerability of the owners. It was very difficult to work out what that meant in practice as the guidance was in council “policy speak”.
    I enquired with my local authority who agreed I was eligible and they referred me to the commercial company that is the delivery partner. The result was I was launched in a void from which there was never any response. I suspect all EWI enquiries are purposefully lost.
    • CommentAuthorCliff Pope
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2023
    Council tax bands A-D only. So I don't think it's meant for impoverished gentry in old cold and damp larger houses!
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