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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthortimbrennan
    • CommentTimeDec 25th 2009
    I've just been reading pages 204-208 about eco renovating older buildings. It says, "There are signifiacant dangers in adopting standard solutions.... In most casest this means avoiding vapour barriers and checks and looking at traditional materials and modern materials in similar character and performance, which will minimise the creation of problems."

    I found this interesting but at the same time very off putting. Having read that, I would be very wary of making any major changes to the insulation of the house - something that really needs some attention. Of course the ideal solution is to consult an experienced architect or other professional, but that sounds expensive.

    What is the best way to get this ball rolling? Should I be looking for an eco-artitect or is there a cheaper alternative?

    P.S. I've just found this which looks interesting :- http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/content/download/179060/420011/version/4/file/CE138%20-%20energy%20efficient%20historic%20homes%20-%20case%20studies.pdf/perma/1
    • CommentAuthorchuckey
    • CommentTimeDec 25th 2009
    You don't say what your problem is, why should you be consulting a architect at all, what is the properties age?,construction? If you have an old property and you are doing something dramatic to it, I would start here:- http://www.periodproperty.co.uk/discussion_forum.htm
    As for "avoiding vapour barriers", 90%+ of modern wallpaper and paint is vapour impermeable, so that is one problem these people have not thought about.
    • CommentAuthorEv
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2009
    PPUK is a bit of a waste of time these days, sadly.

    What you do depends on so many variables; is it listed, what is the material it is constructed with, etc.

    Historic Scotland, English Heritage, and Edinburgh World Heritage Trust all have expertise and publications available to read online. SPAB has a free information helpline, and runs useful courses.
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2009
    Now, now, Ev. Behave. It's the season of goodwill to all idiots.

    (And have you not noticed the 180 degree position change of a couple of them on a question I've been naggging about?)

    • CommentAuthorEv
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2009
    Ah yes - but it's such a sorry decline, isn't it, into self-indulgent wittering instead of useful information? And I never really had much time for idiots...


    Actually, though, I do know of several architects who it might be worth consulting; in the end, the cost could be saved by doing the right thing, and not wasting money on greenwash and work which in the long term might be damaging. But an informed and well-read client is always useful...

    The property is a 1920 semi made from solid brick walls. Still has most of it's original features and the only eco measures are draft excluders and 2 inches of roof insulation. The property is not listed.

    I had done a fair bit of research and my long term plan was to externally clad the side of the house and internally insulate on the front and back (not sure whether to insulate the party wall). at the moment there are are carpets but we were thinking to make it underfloor heating with wooden floors with rugs throughout.

    The info about standard solutions being dangerous makes me think that it is important to hire an eco architect.
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