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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2007
    The next edition of Green Building magazine will feature heavily on roofs of all kinds and I would like to ensure that we include a few on renovating and upgrading of existing roofs of houses.

    I'm particularly interested in some real case studies from homeowners who have decided to green their home and what challenges they faced when trying to find info on how to do the upgrade (usually insulation), finding builders to carry out the work and how it all went and what was actually achieved.

    Either post questions/suggestions here that I can follow back on or send me an e-mail if you are interested in doing us a story of your project. You can write it yourself and we can edit or we can get a journalist to visit you. Click on my name above to find my e-mail address.

    Anyone else with roof related stories, studies, research or products of any type please also get in touch asap. I want this feature to be very comprehensive.
    • CommentAuthorClaire
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2007
    Hi Keith
    Just posted this http://www.greenbuildingforum.co.uk/newforum/comments.php?DiscussionID=380&page=1#Item_1 (sorry, not sure how to turn that into a link...) as I'm currently wrestling with new roof issues. Not sure yet how green it will be but I'd like to keep it green and would be happy to discuss inclusion in the magazine so long as that won't interfere with getting the work done.
    Do you pay if I write it? :wink::bigsmile:
    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2007
    Thanks for the offer Claire but I'm really looking for jobs that are done or will be in the next few weeks or at least well underway, for the forthcoming feature.

    However, keep me posted how it goes as we can carry yours over for the next time we visit the subject of roofs.
    • CommentAuthorClaire
    • CommentTimeJun 14th 2007
    Ah, yes, see what you mean... with hindsight I should've thought of that! Yes, I'll keep you posted though.
    • CommentAuthorwoffle
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2007

    We've just bought an end-of-terrace worker's cottages built in the late 1890's. It needs a fair bit of work - no central heating, needs new kitchen etc and we're trying to be as green as possible on a tight budget.

    We're putting in a wood burner to supply the central heating and domestic hot water and we've just been given a very competitive price (£1200ish including postage) on a solar hot water system for the roof that we could run in parallel. We need to get some tiles fixed and reinsulate the roof (between the joists) and insulate the back of the roof anyway so we may take them up on this as it'll be cheaper to get our plumber to install the lot / get the roofer to fix the panels up there than having to do it retrospectively at a later date.

    By all means get in touch if this sounds like it may be of interest - jwoffle@mac.com - we're very new to green construction issues as we've rented for the last couple of years and previously lived in a 3rd floor flat that presented little opportunity for improvement!


    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2007
    I have seen several slate roofs renovated by stripping, re nailing the existing rafters and battens! then re fixing the carefully saved slates. No felt = no ventilation needed! The slates were all recycled and no new battens needed. Some insulation was added. Pretty cheap and green. The roofs were also timber treated while opened up.
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