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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthorGBP-Keith
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2007 edited
    If you live in Oxford this would be worthwhile.

    24-25TH NOVEMBER 2007

    · Are you planning to renovate your house and want to do it in
    the most environmental way possible?
    · Do you want to slash energy bills and make your house warmer,
    brighter and healthier?
    · Are you selling your house and want to improve its poor
    energy rating?
    · Do you want to prepare for life in the climate change century?

    18 eco-houses in Oxfordshire (14 of them in Oxford city) are opening their houses to the public to share the techniques, products and possibilities of eco-renovation. This is a superb opportunity to see a wide range of approaches and talk to the house owners directly about their experiences.

    The houses cover a wide range of challenging types -including a garden office, a flat, a former council house, a terraced Victorian house, a 17th century cottage in a conservation area, a listed Regency villa and a 1980's developer house.

    All of them have dramatically reduced their energy and water use. Some have used standard materials that could be bought at any builders merchant. Others have used new technologies including straw bale and sheep wool insulation, solar panels, wood burners and a heat pump that draws water from the Thames.

    For full details on the open houses, and their locations and open times visit

    • CommentAuthorigofrit
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2007
    I have read this too late to visit. Are there other opportunities during the year to visit sustainable open houses? In Australia they have a national Sustainable House open day. ref for South Australia houses is http://www.solarhouseday.com/Locations2006/SAVenues.shtml (I have tried to attach this, with the 'text box', but can't - so here it is long hand). I would be really interested in something similar in the UK.......
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