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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorTimSmall
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2022
    I'm just about to order some EWI supplies (base coat, top coat, beads, EPS).

    The majority is going onto EPS70, but some render carrier boards (ventilated rainscreen above pitched roof), and some onto Rockwool (fire breaks).

    A local building firm will be carrying out the work, but will be following my specification. They've not applied EWI before, but are reasonably intelligent, have some skilled traditional render guys, and are happy to take advice, and ask questions if unsure! They have a couple of quotes from two suppliers...

    The first one is about 10 miles away. They've not been super-fast at getting back to me, and they do several types of products (EWI, but also other general commercial building facade products), and not super-strong on technical advice. They stock Ceresit (Polish firm owned by Henkel).

    The second firm is about 50 miles away. They specialise in EWI, and has been pretty good at getting back to me. They have a lot of technical advice on their website. They stock Kreisel (again Polish, owned by Fixit Gruppe), but with their own (I think) branding on it.

    The products are different (particularly the base coats), and although there is quite a bit of variation in individual item pricing, the total prices are within 5% each other. Having said, the Ceresit firm has spec'ed less base coat in total (20 bags vs. 25) - but I'm not too worried about that because the distance means picking up additional bags wouldn't be too troubling.

    The Ceresit has just one type of base coat/adhesive "CT80" (rockwool, EWI and also below DPC), whereas the Kreisel quote has 3 (EPS, Rockwool, and below DPC being different products).

    I was wondering if anyone had used either (or ideally both!), and had any recommendations, or other thoughts?

    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeOct 9th 2022 edited
    I've used Ceresit multiple times and like it. On eps I've used ZU as a board adhesive and mesh coat render.
    quick look on Ceresits site and CT80 might well be ZU , ZU being the older of Polish branding.
    Mostly i ve used it because I had access to a cheap importer. Perfectly happy with it, good to work with.

    Kreisel , I presume is ewistore , again ive used, less, but several of there products and happy with the service.
    recently used their lightwieght premix render as its suppose to be suitable heritage work due to its lime content.
    not sure what the techinical difference is in their standard to premium, additonal fibres perhaps , below dpc will probably have a higher cement content or water proofers ?? Id suggest this isnt that necessary.
    Of track but their silicon exterior paint is excellent ( if it is vapour open as clamed) goes on lovely with great coverage.

    Id be interest in a link to your ceresit supplier , pm if you fancy.

    plenty of advice here on how to work the render etc. key thing is getting that top coat on in the right conditions and keeping a live edge on a wall. trick with base coat is to not over load it like you might a trad render , get it on thin , mess coat in, 2nd thin coat, wait for it to pick up well, almost drying , then gentle damp sponge it to remove trowel marks. again with top coat trowel it on hard and thin and follow up quickly with the rubbing up trowel. 1 guy trowel another next to them rubbing up.
    • CommentAuthorTimSmall
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2022 edited
    Thanks James - in the description of one of their high impact systems they Ceresit say "Optionally you can use CT81/ZS, CT82/ZU, CT 80 or CT 85" - so I'd guess CT80 and ZU are different.

    Good to hear about the Kreisel silicone paint - I was planning to buy a pot for the front of the house (pebbledash, where I've increased the insulation on the interior instead).

    Ceresit also do a silicone paint, but more expensive. I've pm'ed the supplier name.

    Any preference between the two brands based on your experience?
    • CommentAuthorjamesingram
    • CommentTimeOct 10th 2022 edited
    "Any preference between the two brands based on your experience?"

    Not really , probably Ceresit if I had to pick because I've used it more and it seemed to rub up easier, that could well be me , mix, weather conditons at the time etc .
    Having used these various polymer renders, adhesive in one way or another for about 30 years they all become just a homogenous nasty grey sticky stuff that annoys me when I drop it on my shoes or top
    I hate any form of plasterering ! I can just about get away with EWI render because its very forgiving :bigsmile:
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