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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
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    • CommentAuthorJoinerbird
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    How do you make a municipal waste incinerator look good?
    Morning folks. I was wondering about this all night....Our incinerator in Nottingham is tho most polluting and uggliest incinerator in the country and its going to get bigger if its opperators WRG can win their appeal against Nottm City Councils decision to turn down a planning application to expand it.
    They have resubmitted the application and have made an attempt to tart the thing up so it fits in with our city's up and coming image.

    So how do you polish a turd??:shocked::surfing:
      CommentAuthorNovy Mlyn
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007 edited
    Zapa Beton is a good example:


    Also, how about the Hundertwasser approach to factories?
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    Posted By: Novy Mlynthe Hunderwasser approach to factories
    Say more?
    • CommentAuthorJoinerbird
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    oooohh, I do like the Zappa art work. Yes, I think our 200 foot chimney would look ace as a weired shak thingy....
      CommentAuthorNovy Mlyn
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007 edited

    Sorry, don't know how to embed it here.

    It's called The Fernwärme Wien, and is a municipal rubbish incineration plant.

    Though the guy isn't rated by many architects, seeing his work gives me hope. At this point in time in the UK, we have been suffering for quite a few generations of 'build it as cheaply as we can'. This certainly wasn't the case 100 years ago in Birmingham for example, and some relatively inexpensive measures can take a visual landscape from depressing to interesting/beautiful.
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2007
    This guy's got an artist's touch so gets away with it - stunning! I dread to think what this wd look like in less artistic hands!
      CommentAuthorNovy Mlyn
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2007
    Fostertom, I would argue that you can't really make a worse job compared with the industrial landscape currently in the UK.

    I'm sure you're well aware of the psychological effects of such spaces on those who inhabit them. Give me the finger painting of a 4 year old over the drab, depressing, habitatless industrial estates that many people have to contend with their whole working lives.
    • CommentAuthorJoinerbird
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2007 edited
    Yup, I agree with you Novy. When you live just 900m away from this countrys worst polluting incinerater and you see the stinking chimney gushing out clouds of black toxic "steam", you get pretty depressed!! Especially when you live in a city that only recycles 11% of it municipal waste, imports thousands of tonnes from a 35mile radius AND imports trade and hazordous waste..........with an extra 60 heavy vehicle movements a day......cheers me up no end........
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2007
    A child's finger painting wd be ideal. Witless heavy-handed attempts to jolly up ugliness actually look worse than just leaving it alone. Look at the day-nurseries that have sprung up, invariably decorated in some dim adult's idea of child-fantasy, images that wd give a child nightmares, I'd think, all in turgid colour combinations that don't work, but were what was available as free paint leftovers from the dump. Vibrant naive art, like canal boat decoration, seems to have died in UK but I get the impression is still alive and well in central Europe.
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