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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    A couple of things for folk in northern parts, with more info at http://www.eco-renovation.org/

    Two talks to go to at the Big Tent festival of Stewardship in Falkland, Fife next weekend. One organised by us and one by SEDA (Scottish Ecological Design Association). For the full programme see http://www.bigtentfestival.co.uk. Also lots of ideas and information at the SEDA stall in their specially made timber-framed pavilion.

    Eco-Renovation Network Event
    "Raising the Roof and lifestyle choices"
    Sat 16th, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
    Vivarium Co housing group - represented by Hugh Hoffman
    Craigmillar Self Build - represented by Garreth Roberts
    Andy Ross - Glasgow Carbon Rationing Action Group
    Ian Grout - 'Don't wait for the legislation'. Ian is from Dept. of Industrial Design, Glasgow School of Art
    Chaired by Patrick Boase, Eco Renovation Network Steering Group

    SEDA Event
    "Greening your home - what you should know before you start "
    Sun 17th, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
    Richard Atkins is a Chartered Architect and the Chair of the Scottish Ecological Design Association. His talk will focus on the differences between dwellings, whether flats or houses, new or old, the physical constraints and opportunities for improving their environmental performance.

    2. Home-greening
    Also advance warning of our first cooperative home-greening consultation. It will be the weekend of 20-21st July and will probably be on the Sunday afternoon at my house where you can see how un-eco my home really is and what I need to do over the next few months/(years?) to gain an eco-halo. The idea is that there are thousands of homes like mine in Glasgow (mid-terrace Edwardian sandstone villa) so the advice that Chris Morgan of SEDA and a colleague will be giving will apply to many people. We can then share the expense of a consultant (in fact I think that eco-renovation network are kindly funding this one…). Since I am hosting I suppose I had better do some catering so expect chocolate cake. …… If this is a success Chris is promising us lots more in different types of housing.
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