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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    I have lurked on here for a few years, and have been very grateful for answers to the odd question I've had. I'm now starting think about properly greening our house, and thought I should introduce myself and my house properly!
    Me first: happy with most DIY, experience gained on doing up first house and labouring on my parents' new builds (mainly labouring for the brickie and roofer, some groundworks, and first fix electrics). I'm at home with the children (3, 5 and 8), so have time in the day to do DIY. We're just south of Cambridge.
    The house: fairly boring 1970s detached house on an estate of loosely similar houses. Block inside and brick skin outside and a filled cavity (although no idea when or how well; it's fluffy polystyrene-ish stuff). I never *ever* want to move again, so we're planning on making this house comfortable for us and our offspring for the very long term. We hope to extend on one side, possibly two, and are considering EWI on the remaining two sides.
    We had a Home Energy survey done by Parity Projects recently; seeing the numbers all laid out is very useful for a novice like me.

    We had problems with condensation in the loft when we first moved in 2013 (which I posted about at the time). Got soffit vents in, monitored, and that seems to be good enough for now. However, we have no ventilation in the shower room and bathroom other than windows, so that's the next job. I'm currently considering MVHR now, thinking that the house will eventually become more airtight, and have a whole heap of questions on this that I'm hoping you guys won't mind helping me with...
    Great! Let's do it.
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