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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2022
    What ho one and all,

    When we built, I did not install sufficient external taps for garden watering. Last year, I corrected that by installing the blue mains water pipe around the house to feed a number of taps. All is OK, no leaks, etc but .....

    The feed for these additional taps is a short hose connection from the mains external tap to the 25mm blue. The tap end has a HoseLock connection, the other end has universal fitting (photo) clamped over a length of length of 15mm copper (which is fitted to the blue pipe with the proper connection) and the hose, just 'clamped' into the top, as per normal hose fittings.

    The problem is that the water pressure pop the hose out of the 'clamp' (arrowed.)

    My question is, is there a better / more secure method to connect the hose to the universal clamp? The problem seems very basic in that the male section of the clamp, that fits inside the hose, is not sufficiently long to make a solid connection.

    I have sometimes noticed that my collection of hozelock connectors are not all to the same standard. Some appear to grip well, others slowly release the clamped hose.
    I do observe that the better kind appear to have some feature of their design that ensures that the hose cannot be engaged or withdrawn without fully removing the "nut", whereas others you simply slacken the nut, push the hose in and then tighten.

    There are more expensive hozelock fittings made of brass not plastic - perhaps they have a stronger grip.

    It also occurs to me that maybe putting the end in a hot kettle of water for a few seconds, then tightening fully and allowing to cool, might work better. I always get good results doing that when clamping a hose pipe to 15mm copper pipe using a jubilee clip.
    • CommentAuthorRex
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2022
    Personally, I am not a fan of HoseLock or any other of the plastic connectors. The input side of two HoseLock hose reels no longer hold the mains hose connection because the ridge has worn. And for the one fitting, they charge around £5. Absolute rip-off.

    The part I have in the photo is equally rubbish, principally because as I say in the post, the male part is just too short. If it was longer, I could fold some wire around to ensure a good grip, but that is not possible.

    I will look at the hose onto the 15mm with a jubilee (is that Platinum?) clip.
    • CommentAuthorrevor
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2022
    I would T off the pipe feeding your outdoor tap in copper with an isolating valve between the T off and your 15 copper that connects to your blue pipe, and get away from all those temporary fittings because (which is what they are) and which will give you more problems in the future. Your isolating valve can be used to isolate your garden taps over winter.
    This post got me looking out my Penguin-published 'Self Help House Repairs Manual", which was a rather wonderful squatters' handbook which would not be published in these days of Elf and Safe Tea!

    One of the bits of guidance was how to plumb a house temporarily as cheaply as possible, even in hose-pipe. They cited the 'Corbyn Joint' (long before any suggestions of Leadership, I think). It's a piece of 15mm copper with a 15mm brass olive soldered on. The hose-pipe is softened in hot water, pushed on over the olive and held with a jubilee clip (or two). It won't slide off.
    • CommentAuthorphiledge
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2022
    Hozelock is a brand copied by many and that fitting doesnt look like a Hozelock fitting. Having had lots of copies fail in one way or another we always buy the genuine thing and Hozelock hose to go with the fittings.

    Id put money on it that if you buy a genuine fitting and their hose, youll not have problems
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