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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorcjard
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2016
    Quick FYI, seems to be a lot less fanfare this time - the shortlived exemption (Nov 14 - Jul 15) that allowed self builders and developers of sites less than 10 units to proceed without promising to pay their local council tens of thousands of pounds to subsidise council dimwits being ripped off by tradesmen on affordable housing elsewhere in the district*, has returned following a successful case in the Court of Appeal on May 11th 2016

    So.. if you're (or if you know anyone who is) wrangling with the council over a contract that will considerably inflate your build costs, the reasonably good news is that you may not now have to pay it - seek some legal advice if you're being pushed around, because I assume that councils will be as unwilling to give up a nice cash cow this time around as they were last time. The exemption may disappear again, should the original challenging councils take it to the supreme court and secure a win


    *that's if your local council was even doing anything with the money, other than just stacking it in an Icelandic bank account, waiting for the next crash
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