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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorRoger
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2007
    Hi all. Bit of a rough double check to request. I have a three storey (Inc top floor in roof pitch) barn type building (ex brewery). Stone built. Two feet walls. External walls drylined with 150mm rockwool. Roofpitch Superquilt (yikes!) with 50mm gyproc thermaline.

    It has a small wood burner at present on the first floor. The ground floor will have UFH at some point. I am getting gas connected. Question: My plumber reckons the 13 salvaged radiators I have sourced total 41,000 BTUs. He reckons the upper two floors require 70,000 BTUs. The building is approx 10mx10m. About 4 rooms per floor, 3 floors.

    This sounds a lot of extra BTUs/radiators. Does it sound about right? Or way off? Any advice very much appreciated.


    Depends whether you intend using the upper two floors as a sauna :)
    • CommentAuthorRoger
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2007
    I think you're right Biff. I make it nearer 41,000 for two floors, even rounding up all figures, and adding 20% for HW and 10% for extra error. I could dry fruit on the upper floors I suppose.
    • CommentTimeJun 8th 2007
    My plumber reckoned I needed the 8 radiators

    But we could have half

    They are all on 1 most of the time

    Mind you I have a wood burner - which makes a difference
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