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    I want to start making my own glass aggregates, rather than giving my glass away to the council (and paying to get it back!). Could I then use the glass to wholly replace any sands, in any cement/lime/concrete mix? And how accurately would I have to grade it?

    What would you use - a wood shredder? A former colleague used to live on an island nature reserve, and they used to shred virtually everything, I think, including bottles, to reduce the volume of waste to be shipped back of the island. I don't know what sort of particle size they got down to.

    I was planning to do it by hand, i don't mind a challenge, by gentle tapping with a hammer (with glass in a bag) then a rolling pin or block to produce finer If there's a cheap labour saving way i would obviously choose that!

    Hand crushing them i've seen two 'grades' produced, very fine (like sugar or salt) which i assume i could use as fine sand? and slighty larger like the kind used in decorative screeds and worktops.
    • CommentAuthorCerisy
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    Perhaps put them in a cement mixer?
    • CommentAuthorowlman
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    First the tools for the job, then it's hard graft.


    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    How much glass do you actually have?
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    Catering liquidiser? Or a vegetation shredder? It's a gd idea
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    Or an old metal garden roller.
    Nothing saved as yet, but for 7/8 months of the year I will have around 3 over full glass recycling boxes every week.
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    Wino :bigsmile:
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2014
    Wi no and wi understand
    • CommentAuthorSteveZ
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2014
    Many (many) years ago, I worked for the British Glass Industry Research Association. Occasionally we had to crush and mix batches of ingredients to try new formula glass. Any rock crushing used a small oscillating plate crusher driven by an electric motor. You drop the ingredients into the aperture at the top and it falls between a fixed head and a moving plate. The gap between these is adjustable and determines the size of the final product. I have tried a quick web search for one without success, but you may find something similar out there. You could give BGIRA in Sheffield a call, if they are still around.
    A cheaper method would be to buy an iron pestle and deep iron mortar, add a couple of sieves and get bashing!
    Think looks like a handy tool, Expleco Oppressor GLS Sand Glass Bottle Crusher, would be even better if they took the labels off first. If only i owned by own bar.


    Probably costs more than a few bags of sand though, Mortar and pestle more than likely.
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