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    Mitsubishi ecodan 8.5kW system, kingspan 210l cylinder....

    Just the last two days it appears my circulation pumps are both stuck on and the pressure relief valve (there appear to be 3) one of which seems to be bypassing water into the tundish....

    The temperature seems to be at 57C when it is usually set to 50C...

    What's the fault finding process? Never had an issue in 8 years previous, the only thing I can think of recently was draining the heating system to disconnect a rad. But no other issues.

    Thoughts please
    Temp @ 57oC - which temp? DHW cyl?
    Which circuit are the circ pumps running const? ASHP to cyl?
    Which circuit press relief valve is passing?
    Have you tried resetting the relief valve? (sometimes turning the knob forces it to lift and then reseats. Might have to do it a few times till it seats properly).
    Is there an auto fill on the circuit that has relieved? What's the pressure on that circuit v's what it should be?
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2023
    Making a plan drawing of the whole installation may help in clarifying things. (Assuming the installer didn't leave you with one :cry: )
    • CommentAuthorborpin
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2023
    Posted By: VictorianecoJust the last two days it appears my circulation pumps are both stuck on
    Sounds like an issue with whatever is controlling the pumps. If the HP, suggest you will need a HP engineer.
    From the 3 symptoms listed it sounds like a plumbing problem not a HP problem. The HP cannot make safety valves open.

    Fault finding process:
    1) is it the hot water, or the central heating system, or both (IE the heatpump)? Two of the safety valves are on the hot water, one on the CH, trace back along the pipe to see which one is over pressure. Turn that system off for a day and see.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2023
    I would check that mains pressure is not leaking into the system, i.e. disconnect the mains from the sealed system
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