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    Hi everyone,
    I'm in the process of purchasing my first older property, However the survey has flagged up the above problem amongst others. What I need to know is how deep do I have to go down before back filling with hardcore, sand, waterproof membrane then concrete? Any help you guys can give me will be really appreciated.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2007
    If it has been like this for almost 100 years what is the problem?
    The problem is that the solum is wet causing dampness in 2/3 areas, By sealing the solum I'm told this will stop the moisture travelling up to the floor joists & inner walls!!! ........ I'm really new to this renevation lark so any advise would be much appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorGuest
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2007
    "By sealing the solum I'm told this will stop the moisture travelling up to the floor joists & inner walls!!!"

    It won't, and I am concerned it could exascerbate (?sp?) matters. Rather like cellars, if the sub-floor is not dry, it's probably not ever going to be. Insulate u/floor, keep plenty of ventilation down there but, for my tuppenny-worth, don't seal it. The damp won't go away!

    (Sorry, it's Nick Parsons, by the way)
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2007
    Don't mess with it and don't spend (waste) any cash on it either. All the proof we need to justify my stance is the length of time that the the building has been there. The jolly surveyor ought to go back to college too.
    Many many thanks guys your advise it was really helpfull. I was at the property today and cleared some rain water drains and found that by clearing them that a lot off water ran away from the foundations of the property.... however still loads of work to be done... cheers guys. I'm sure I'll be back soon begging for further advise!!!!!!:bigsmile:
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