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    • CommentAuthoraaron82
    • CommentTimeJul 12th 2010
    Hi there,

    Whilst I understand the principles of cold-bridging I'm somewhat unclear as to how far away from the building fabric it needs to be addressed.

    I have an internal steel column which connects to an eaves beam that runs through the insulated cavity to an external canopy. This is subsequently connected to an external column which is bolted to the foundations, 1200mm below grade.

    Obvicously the eaves beam is a massive cold-bridge, and to address this we are surrounding the beam with insulation before completing the cladding of it with Marley boards (to match the rest of the facade.)

    Whilst we are also cladding the external column I am trying to establish whether it also needs to be insulated? Will there be significant cold bridging through the column, to the eaves beam, to the internal column and then through a single skin of blockwork?

    Any advice appreciated.
    Generally speaking you only need to concern yourself with the parts of the structure which actually cross the insulating layer in the floor, roof or wall. How far away these need to be insulated depends upon their size, their thermal conductivity & the thickness & thermal conductivity of the insulation.

    However, as a rule of thumb, if a timber beam crosses 100mm of insulation & the beam has a thermal conductivity 5 times that of the insulation then you might want to insulate the 400mm of beam beyond where it crosses the insulation.

    If you'd like a more precise answer, post a sketch with the materials & dimensions labelled.

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