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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
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    • CommentAuthorGreenPaddy
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2023
    I'm trying to find images of traditional houses with a stone facade and rendered sides/rear, with the render toothed in at the coins. I'm sure I've seen loads of this build style over the years, but I've been searching t'interweb for ages, and can only find one example. It was not uncommon to use the dressed stone on the front only, and render the poor quality stone on the rest. So where are they hiding?

    I need to convince a client to do as much EWI as possible, and want to show examples where the front facade is left as stone, but the sides are EWI'd. The images don't have to be EWI sides, just showing the side rendered would give the idea, and that it's not unusual.

    Any assistance with locating these type of photo's would be greatly appreciated.
    • CommentAuthorGreenPaddy
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2023 edited
    This is all I could find
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2023
    • CommentTimeAug 29th 2023
    Beauty and the beast :devil:
    Our farmhouse is the opposite, the front is rendered and the gable end is stone. The front was originally brick as it was the more expensive material. I don't know when it was rendered but the 2 storey side extension was built in the 90's with concrete block and also rendered, with L-shaped cut stone quoins.
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