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    Low-impact bloggers can now include the natural homes map in their own blog. You can include the whole collection of homes in the register, with all the links back to the owner's website, or include only the home type you are keen on like straw bale or earthship.

    I've never published a blog before today, so mine is pretty much empty at the moment but here it is http://ecooliver.blogspot.com It shows the straw bale map version of the natural homes map and gives you a link to natural homes where you can collect the code to include a map in your own blog.

    You can collect the code directly from here http://naturalhomes.org/naturalhomesmap.htm if you like.

    I'd love to have any feedback from anyone...

    It's a lovely idea, Oliver, and I have already added it as a link to my blog. But I couldn't help noticing large gaps in the map, mostly in Third World Countries, which I feel sure are just crammed packed with natural homes. Places like Amazonia where the population hasn't got around to using industrial materials yet, let alone rejecting them. I think if nothing else your map will stimulate a lot of debate about what exactly constitutes a "natural home."
    Hello Mark,

    Nice to meet you and nice that you included a link to the natural homes map. I agree there should be examples of indigenous homes on the map but you can understand they are difficult to find unless I go there myself to find them. There is a guy in Mexico who might send a few local adobe houses. It all takes time.

    My goal with the map is to provide resources that self-builders can use to help educate less than wise planners. There's a girl in Lithuania using the map to convince non-green authorities. If you have any ideas about what I can do to improve the service drop me a line house@naturalhomes.org

    I'll go and read you blog now.

    Regards, Oliver
    Well, I'm happy to say the map has appeared in Estonia here http://www.savikodu.pri.ee/map.html

    I've added new features to the natural homes register. The version for use in other websites can now display a builder's portfolio of work. Here are the straw bale homes built by Amazonails:


    and this the cob work of Kevin McCabe


    If you would like to display your work on the map to use in your website please contact me.

    Regards, Oliver
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