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    Anyone know of the best treatment to weather proof an oak veneered external door? Something clear would be preferable as I like the look of it as it is.
    • CommentAuthortony
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2007
    Linseed oil or boiled linseed oil are the only choices.

    I would be extremely nervous of a veneered door used externally. Use of a solid real wood door would be best. even a second hand one.
    'Use of a solid real wood door would be best. even a second hand one. '

    Couldn't agree more! Having removed the (horrible, glazed, modern softwood) front dr from my 1896 terrace I replaced it with the original 4-panel bedroom dr. 27 yrs on I see it has been replaced, but I bet even then it wasn't completely shot.

    I agree a solid door would be best. However, due to to some unfortunate circumstances, I'm landed with an oak veneered door which I thought was solid oak (don't ask, its a sore point...). I've treated it with 3 coats of linseed oil (thinking it was solid oak) but I'm now worried that this won't give it sufficient protection from moisture and the veneer with delaminate. Should I resort to a chemical treatment?
    • CommentAuthorbiffvernon
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2007

    Repeat every couple of years.

    Forever. (Or until you get a real door.)
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