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Green Building Bible, Fourth Edition
Green Building Bible, fourth edition (both books)
These two books are the perfect starting place to help you get to grips with one of the most vitally important aspects of our society - our homes and living environment.

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    • CommentAuthormoogaloo
    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2007
    I have traditional compact flouresent Energy Saving Lightbulbs in all my light fittings, except for the bathroom where I have some GU10 LEDs.

    Now most of my lightbulbs are Bayonette pound-a-pop phillips variety (EST subsidised) from an online retailer. They come on to full brightness very quicky and are nearly comparible to the incadesent equivenlants.

    I have a couple of small candles which are also fine and a daylight spiral bulb which is also fine.

    However I have bought some GU10 and R50 CFLs and they where expenisve and are rubbish. If left for five minutes the light you get from them is fine, but they take 5 mins to warm up and the initial light is very dark.

    How come some CFLs are so rubbish? I think people have the impression that CFLs are inferiour to incadesents and are therefore staying away?

    Is there anyway I can find out which ones are the good ones?
    Hi Moogloo,

    Have you tried Megaman GU10s. Whilst they are not instantaneous in winding up to full brightness, they take less thaan a minute and the colour is good.
    See http://www.megamanuk.com/products/product.php?sid=2
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